My name is Christine, and my family and I moved to Monument five years ago after my husband, Joel, retired from the Army. Together, Joel and I have a 19-year-old daughter named Mallory and a 16-year-old son named Nate—both are animal lovers, I’m proud to say! We have a geriatric terrier mix named Mia, two black kitties named Ella and Jazz, a hamster named Saturday and a few tropical fish who have somehow survived Ella’s repeated fishing attempts. Except for the fish, all of our pets are rescues (even Saturday, whom my daughter adopted from HSPPR).
I’m a “serial volunteer,” and have done everything from visiting nursing home residents in Tennessee to walking dogs in a Virginia shelter to feeding the homeless in Colorado Springs. But working toward the humane treatment of ALL animals is my passion, and I love helping kitties find homes (and people find new family members) as part of Wild Blue’s awesome 3rd Saturday Adoption Fair Team! It’s truly a labor of love for so many big-hearted, caring folks, all of whom deserve a shout-out for their commitment.