The Wild Blue TNR team went on an amazing adventure this past March, partnering with 2 ladies and 2 different locations, one in Calhan and the other in Latigo Trails. Each location underestimated their potential cat population. The Calhan location thought between 20-25 which turned into 30 and the Latigo Trails location went from 15 to 17. Our wonderful Brad drove to each location more than once to bring supplies including traps, cages, trap forks, trap covers, feeding dishes, newspapers, food, etc. To help with this were the teams of Anna H., Kayleen, Chris, Wendy and Marni. Not only did they help deliver everything, Marni and Kayleen helped trap when the big day came. Must admit, the ladies who owned the properties were intrepid trappers and I’ve suggested to both of them they join Wild Blue on the TNR team.
On the day of the big surgery the fabulous Dr. Erin and her trusty sidekick Liz helped by Wild Blue volunteers Michelle and Tiffany traveled to the Calhan location where they ended up spaying/neutering 43 total cats. Three were determined to be pregnant so they were set up in safe wire cages on each property to await their delivery. Don’t worry – WB will be back to vaccinate and eventually bring their kittens into our care for adoption. At that point the moms will be spayed and returned to their colony. You might be wondering about my math up above. I admit math is not my strong suit.
What happened was a neighbor brought her kitty over to be spayed but guess what??? Yep, she was pregnant too so she went back home to have her kittens in a few weeks. What a great day! Couldn’t do it without Lauri Cross, our founder who came to the rescue when the surgical team ran out of supplies and she arrived with everything they needed. It truly takes a village to stop the incredible over populations of feral cats in these neighborhoods and we couldn’t do it without the responsible and caring people in our community. Shout out to both of them!